Quando sou fraco é que sou forte
Uma das cenas de filme que mais me emociona é na parte final de "Gigantes de Aço" alerta de spoiler. Na cena, o robô de Max, Atom, está lutando com o robô oponente que é bem maior e mais forte, mas permanece firme no ringue. Por fim, as investidas do robô inimigo danificam o parte do sistema do robozinho, fazendo com que o garoto não mais possa controlá-lo remotamente. É quando o menino implora ao pai Charlie (Hugh Jackman), um ex lutador e campeão de boxe, que assuma o controle e faça os movimentos da luta para que Atom possa copiá-lo, sendo essa a última chance de vencer. Só quem assistiu ao filme pode saber da emoção que estou falando, quando Charlie assume o controle do robô e luta como se fosse de verdade, enquanto Max assiste em câmera lenta e emocionado o pai vencer a luta com a estratégia e movimentos certos fim dos spoilers. E o que o filme tem a ver com o título deste texto?
Hoje me peguei pensando na frase de Paulo que dá título ao texto "Quando estou fraco é que estou forte" (2Co 12:10b). Pra ser sincera, nunca tinha compreendido bem o que Paulo quis dizer quando escrevia essa segunda epístola aos Coríntios, mas hoje tive um vislumbre de como ele chegou a essa conclusão. Nós, como humanos, estamos sempre lutando contra a dependência total de Deus, essa é a verdade. Não é fácil depender de Deus a cada segundo, nem encontrá-lo em todos os lugares e momentos de nossas vidas. Precisamos viver, caminhar, fazer escolhas a toda hora. Por isso, não serão todas as vezes que pararemos para o olhar pro céu e dizer: "Pai, é esse o caminho certo?" e consequentemente nos veremos por muitas vezes caminhando entre os espinhos.
E com os espinhos, vem as lágrimas, a angústia, o medo, a indecisão, a fraqueza. Por vezes, tentamos lutar contra estes sentimentos e permanecermos firmes mesmo nas adversidades, mas ainda assim podemos nos encontrar no chão frio. É neste momento que entra Deus. É no momento mais escuro que a luz dEle resplandece, é quando você está caído e fraco no chão, como o Atom no filme, que Ele vem e diz "minha vez de assumir o controle". Ele vem e luta nossas lutas, enxuga nossas lágrimas, se coloca na frente do nosso inimigo na batalha e o derrota com as estratégias e movimentos certos, na hora certa. Enquanto isso, nós ficamos lá, contemplando nosso herói com lágrimas nos olhos, com um coração cheio de orgulho e gratidão, com um sorriso de como quem diz "Eu sabia que você não ia me decepcionar".
De todas as incertezas e medos que este mundo possa trazer, só lembre-se de uma coisa: você tem um Pai. e Ele não é qualquer um, Ele é o Deus Todo-Poderoso, Senhor dos Exércitos, Poderoso nas batalhas. Ele dá a vida por suas ovelhas, Ele anda na fornalha, Ele abre o mar, Ele acalma os mares. Está fraco? Então descansa, porque é a vez do seu Pai lutar.
For When I am weak, then am I strong.
For When I am weak, then am I strong.
One of the movie scenes that bring me on tears is in the final part of "Real Steel" spoiler alert. In the scene, Max's robot, Atom, is struggling with the opposing robot that is much bigger and stronger, but stands firm in the ring. Finally, as the invading enemy robot damages the robot part of the system,it makes the kid no longer available to control it remotely. It is when the boy begs his father Charlie (Hugh Jackman), a former boxing champ and fighter, to take control and make the fight moves so Atom can copy it, being this last chance to win. Then he takes control of the robot and fights as if it were for real, while Max watches in slow motion and emotionally touched while his father fights with strategy and right movements end the spoilers.You might be thinking "And what does the movie is related with the title of the text?"
Today, I was wondering about the title of this text " for when I am weak, then am I strong" (2 Cor. 12: 10b). To be honest, I never understood what Paul meant when he was writing this second epistle to the Corinthians, but today I had a glimpse of how he came to that conclusion. We, as humans, are always struggling against God's total dependence, this is true. It is not easy to depend on God every second, nor find it in all places and times of our lives. We need to live, walk, make choices at all times. Therefore, it is not every time that we go to look at the sky and say, "Father, is this the right way?" and consequently we will often see ourselves walking among the thorns.
And with the thorns comes tears, anguish, fear, indecision, weakness. Sometimes we try to fight these feelings and standing steadfast even in adversity, but we can still meet on the cold ground. It is at this moment that God enters. It is in the darkest moment that His light shines, it is when you are quoted and weak on the floor, like the Atom in the movie, that He comes and says "my turn to take control." He comes and fights our fights, wipes away our tears, stands in front of our enemy in battle and defeats with strategy and right moves at the right time. Meanwhile, we stood there, staring at our hero with tears in our eyes, with a heart full of pride and gratitude, with a smile like the one who says "I knew you would not disappoint me."
Of all the uncertainties and fears that this world can bring, just remember one thing: you have a Father. And He is not any, He is the Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, Mighty in battles. He gives His life for His sheep, He walks in the furnace, He opens the sea, He calms the seas. Are you weak? So rest, for it is your Father's turn to fight.
Today, I was wondering about the title of this text " for when I am weak, then am I strong" (2 Cor. 12: 10b). To be honest, I never understood what Paul meant when he was writing this second epistle to the Corinthians, but today I had a glimpse of how he came to that conclusion. We, as humans, are always struggling against God's total dependence, this is true. It is not easy to depend on God every second, nor find it in all places and times of our lives. We need to live, walk, make choices at all times. Therefore, it is not every time that we go to look at the sky and say, "Father, is this the right way?" and consequently we will often see ourselves walking among the thorns.
And with the thorns comes tears, anguish, fear, indecision, weakness. Sometimes we try to fight these feelings and standing steadfast even in adversity, but we can still meet on the cold ground. It is at this moment that God enters. It is in the darkest moment that His light shines, it is when you are quoted and weak on the floor, like the Atom in the movie, that He comes and says "my turn to take control." He comes and fights our fights, wipes away our tears, stands in front of our enemy in battle and defeats with strategy and right moves at the right time. Meanwhile, we stood there, staring at our hero with tears in our eyes, with a heart full of pride and gratitude, with a smile like the one who says "I knew you would not disappoint me."
Of all the uncertainties and fears that this world can bring, just remember one thing: you have a Father. And He is not any, He is the Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, Mighty in battles. He gives His life for His sheep, He walks in the furnace, He opens the sea, He calms the seas. Are you weak? So rest, for it is your Father's turn to fight.
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